


  • Elsa Amanatidou

    Distinguished Senior Lecturer in Modern Greek Studies, Modern Greek Studies Program Director
    Wilbour Hall, Room 301
    Research Interests Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy; Interculturality; Strategies of Delivery and Assessment; Educational Technologies
    Office Hours Tuesdays 1:30 - 2:30pm, or by appointment
  • John Bodel

    W. Duncan MacMillan II Professor of Classics, Professor of History
    Macfarlane House, Room 204
    Research Interests Roman History, Literature, and Epigraphy, especially of the Empire
    Office Hours Thursdays 1:00 - 2:30pm or by appointment (in person or by Zoom)
  • David Buchta

    Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit
    Wilbour Hall, Room 005
    Research Interests Sanskrit Literature; particularly Poetics, Grammar, and Late Medieval Religious Literature
    Office Hours Monday 12:00-12:50 pm, Thursday 1:00-2:00 pm
  • Jonathan Conant

    Associate Professor of History and Classics
    Sharpe House, Room 315
    Research Interests Late Ancient and Early Medieval History; Interregional Connectivity; Rural Communities; Violence
  • Jeri DeBrohun

    Associate Professor of Classics, Director of Graduate Studies
    Macfarlane House, Room 205
    Research Interests Latin Poetry of the Republic and Early Empire
    Office Hours Wednesdays 3-3:50 p.m. or by appointment
  • Sasha-Mae Eccleston

    John Rowe Workman Assistant Professor of Classics
    Wilbour Hall, Room 304
    Research Interests Latin Literature, especially of the Roman Empire; Literary Theory; Classical Reception, especially within Contemporary Poetry and the African Diaspora; Human-Animal Relationships
    Office Hours Tuesdays 2:45-3:45pm, or by appointment
  • Tyler Franconi

    Assistant Professor of Archaeology and the Ancient World and Classics
    Rhode Island Hall, Room 210
  • Mary-Louise Gill

    David Benedict Professor of Classics and Philosophy
    Corliss Bracket House, Room 204
    Research Interests Ancient Greek Philosophy; Ancient Science
  • Yannis Hamilakis

    Joukowsky Family Professor of Archaeology, Professor of Modern Greek Studies
    Rhode Island Hall, Room 105
    Research Interests Archaeological Ethnography; Contemporary Forced Migration; Critical Heritage; Critical and Border Pedagogy; Decolonial Theory; Mediterranean Archaeology; Modern Greek Studies; Photo-Ethnography; Photography; Politics of the Past; Senses and Affect; Social
    Office Hours Thursdays 2:30 - 4:00pm, or by appointment
  • Johanna Hanink

    Professor of Classics
    Macfarlane House, Room 206
    Research Interests Greek Literature and Cultural History
    Office Hours Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30am and Wednesdays 12:00 - 1:00pm
  • Kenneth Haynes

    Professor of Comparative Literature, Professor of Classics
    Prospect House, Room 301
    Research Interests Greek and Roman Literature; Classical Reception
    Office Hours Fridays 2:00 - 4:00pm in Prospect House (36 Prospect St), Room 112
  • Stephen Kidd

    Associate Professor of Classics
    Wilbour Hall, Room 105
    Research Interests Greek Literature, especially of the Classical Period
    Office Hours Tue & Thu 1:00 - 2:20 pm
  • Andrew Laird

    John Rowe Workman Distinguished Professor of Classics and Humanities, Professor of Hispanic Studies
    Wilbour Hall, Room 001
    Research Interests Classical Literature, especially Virgil; Renaissance Humanism and History of Scholarship; Latin in Colonial Spanish America; Intellectual History and Ethnohistory in Sixteenth-Century Mexico
    Office Hours Email for appointment (usually within 24 hours)
  • Pura Nieto Hernández

    Distinguished Senior Lecturer in Classics
    Macfarlane House, Room 201
    Research Interests Greek Language and Literature
    Office Hours By appointment only
  • Graham Oliver

    Professor of Classics, Professor of History, Director of Graduate Studies (Ancient History)
    Wilbour Hall, Room 305
    Research Interests Greek History; Ancient Economies; Greek Epigraphy; Reception of Ancient Greece
    Office Hours By appointment (in-person or via Zoom)
  • Joseph Pucci

    Professor of Classics and in the Program in Medieval Studies
    Macfarlane House, Room 208
    Research Interests Late and Medieval Latin; Comparative Literary History; Biography; the American Presidency
    Office Hours Monday through Friday by appointment
  • Joseph Reed

    Professor of Classics, Professor of Comparative Literature, Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Macfarlane House, Room 203
    Research Interests Latin Poetry; Hellenistic Poetry; Reception of Classical Literature; Myth and Cult of Adonis
    Office Hours Wednesdays 11:00am - 12:00pm, or by appointment
  • Candace Rice

    Assistant Professor of Archaeology and Classics
    Rhode Island Hall, Room 209
    Research Interests Ancient Economy; France; Italy; Maritime Trade; Mediterranean; Mediterranean Archaeology; Roman Social History; Roman Villas; Turkey
  • Amy Russell

    Associate Professor of Classics
    Macfarlane House, Room 104
    Research Interests Roman History, Politics, and Culture of the Late Republic and Early Empire; Roman Urbanism, Architecture, and Space
    Office Hours Thursdays 11:00am - 12:00pm
  • Kenneth Sacks

    Professor of Classics, Professor of History
    Peter Green House, Room 204
    Research Interests Greek History; Hellenistic Intellectual History; American Transcendentalism
    Office Hours Tuesdays 2:30 - 4:00pm by appointment only
  • Adele Scafuro

    Professor of Classics
    Wilbour Hall, Room 104
    Research Interests Greek Legal, Social, and Cultural History; Greek Epigraphy; Classical Greek and Roman Republican Literature
    Office Hours Wednesdays 1 - 2pm, or by appointment

Affiliated Faculty

  • James P. Allen

    Professor Emeritus of Egyptology
    Interests Ancient Egyptian language and literature
  • Laurel Bestock

    Assistant Professor of Archaeology and Egyptology and Assyriology, Associate Professor of History of Art and Architecture
    Interests Ancient Egypt; Sudan; archaeology
  • Susan Harvey

    Willard Prescott and Annie Mcclelland Smith Professor of History and Religion, Director of Early Cultures
    Interests Greek & Roman religions; late antiquity & Eastern Christianity
  • Nancy Khalek

    Associate Professor of Religious Studies
    Interests Hagiography; biography and historiography in the Byzantine and Islamic worlds; relic and saint veneration; Christian-Muslim dialogue; the relationship of material culture to religious life
  • Saul M. Olyan

    Samuel Ungerleider Jr. Professor of Judaic Studies, Director of the Judaic Studies Program, Professor of Religious Studies
    Interests Israelite and Canaanite history, literature and religion; history of biblical interpretation
  • Gretel Rodriguez

    Assistant Professor in the History of Art and Architecture
    Research Interests Art and architecture of the Roman Empire, ancient viewership and reception, ancient Mediterranean religions
    Office Hours Fridays, 2:00-3:30 pm, List 410
  • Michael Satlow

    Professor of Judaic Studies and Religious Studies
    Interests Early Judaism; issues of gender, sexuality, and marriage among Jews in antiquity; Dead Sea scrolls; Jewish theology; methodology in Religious Studies; the social history of Jews during the rabbinic period
  • John Steele

    Professor of Egyptology and Assyriology
    Interests Egyptology; history of science

Visiting Faculty, Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows

  • Susan Allen

    Susan Heuck Allen

    Susan Heuck Allen is Visiting Scholar in the Department of Classics at Brown University. She received her Ph.D. in Classics and Classical Archaeology from Brown University, after earning degrees from the University of Cincinnati and Smith College. Her areas of expertise – Troy and the history of archaeology – were combined in her book, Finding the Walls of Troy: Frank Calvert and Heinrich Schliemann at Hisarlik (University of California Press — Berkley, 1999). She is also the author of Excavating Our Past: Perspectives on the History of the Archaeological Institute of America, which is a part of the 2002 AIA Monograph Series, and recently published Classical Spies: American Archaeologists with the OSS in World War II Greece (University of Michigan Press, 2011).  Dr. Allen has held positions at Smith College, and Clark and Yale Universities, and has done fieldwork in Cyprus, Israel, and Knossos. She was named a Mellon Fellow in 2008, and has held a number of other fellowships.

  • Tara Baldrick-Morrone

    Tara Baldrick-Morrone

    Postdoctoral Research Associate in Critical Classical Studies

    Tara Baldrick-Morrone (she/her/hers) is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Critical Classical Studies in the Department of Classics here at Brown University. She obtained a PhD in Religion with a focus on Religions of Western Antiquity from Florida State University in 2020. Before coming to Brown, she was a contingent faculty member at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Wake Forest University, where she taught undergraduate and graduate courses on history, religion, gender, horror, and film. Her book project, which is a revision of her dissertation, focuses on the rhetoric of abortion in the ancient Mediterranean and the ways that American scholars and politicians use ancient Mediterranean texts to shape reproductive healthcare today. Tentatively titled Reproducing History: Antiquity, Abortion, and Politics in Twentieth-Century America, the project relies on extensive archival work, some of which is generously funded by the New England Regional Fellowship Consortium through the Massachusetts Historical Society.



  • Cicek Beeby

    Postdoctoral Research Associate in Critical Classical Studies
  • Vangelis Calotychos

    Vangelis Calotychos

    Visiting Associate Professor of Classics
    Office Hours Monday 2:00-4:00 pm Macfarlane 210

    Vangelis Calotychos was born and bred in London, U.K. He received his PhD in Comparative Literature from Harvard University, and has taught at Harvard, NYU, and Columbia. Currently Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Classics at Brown, he teaches courses in comparative literature, cultural studies, and reception studies. In the 1990s, his concern for reconciliation after ethnic conflict led him to edit two interdisciplinary and intercommunal volumes about Cyprus. This enduring interest in culture and politics in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans informs his later work, as in Manolis Anagnostakis: Poetry & Politics, Silence & Agency in Post-War Greece (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2012). He has published two monographs: Modern Greece: A Cultural Poetics (2004) discusses the terms of modernity and “self-colonization” in Greece from just before the founding of the nation state down to the present; and The Balkan Prospect: Identity, Culture, and Politics in Greece After 1989 (2013) offers an interdisciplinary analysis of Greece's position within and without the Balkans and Europe after the Cold War. It was awarded the Edmund Keeley Book Prize. Contributions on the Greek Weird Wave & Beyond for a co-edited special issue of The Journal of Greek Media and Culture (2:2, 2016) grow out of more recent research on resistance in Greek film. He was founder and longtime chair of The Modern Greek Seminar at Columbia (2005-14) and, since 2019, he serves as the Executive Director of the Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA).

  • Alexandra Courcoula

    Research Associate, Classics

    Alexandra Courcoula is a Research Associate in the Department of Classics.  She received her PhD from MIT in the History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture and Art and from the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture. During her doctoral work she was a fellow at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.  Before joining Brown she worked as a lecturer at the Boston Architectural College and Hellenic College.  She has also worked in numerous museums including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal.  Her work focuses on the history of collecting and museums, as well as nationalism in the Ottoman and post-Ottoman world and in 19th and 20th century Europe. 


  • Francesca D'Andrea Photo

    Francesca D'Andrea

    Visiting Scholar in Classics

    Francesca D'Andrea is a postdoctoral researcher at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (Italy), specializing in Roman archaeology, ancient Roman topography, and Latin epigraphy. Her research deepens our understanding of the socially-determined use of urban peripheries and rural areas, particularly focusing on the topography of ancient Rome and its Suburbium.

    She completed her studies in Rome at Sapienza University and Statale University in Milan. She earned her Ph.D. at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, where she has been working on various projects since 2015, including archaeological surveys and excavations in Magna Graecia and Sicily. In Pisa, she is currently a staff member of the ERC project “IN-ROME. The INscribed city: urban structures and interaction in imperial ROME” (Principal Investigator: Dr. Barbara Borg).

    Thanks to a Fulbright Fellowship, Francesca is spending the Spring term of 2025 at Brown University as a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Classics. She is working on a project titled “Burials and the Buried at the Eastern Outskirts of Rome: Funerary Landscape and Social History between the Late Republic and Imperial Age.” Her work explores the intersection of burial practices, social status, ethnicity, and religion, taking a contextual approach by mapping graves and epitaphs using tools like QGIS. She relies heavily on a combination of archaeological, epigraphic, literary, antiquarian, and archival sources, enriched by the potential of digital tools—particularly Gazetteer Databases and Geographic Information Systems—to compile legacy data for the study of settlement organization.

  • Lisa Kraege

    Lisa Kraege

    Postdoctoral Research Associate in Critical Classical Studies

    Lisa Kraege is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Critical Classical Studies. She received her PhD in English from Princeton University in 2024. She studies how ancient models of aesthetic perception and experience were received and deployed in eighteenth-century and Romantic Britain, and the geopolitical and ideological stakes of such interactions. She is at work on a book project that considers the rise of aesthetics in eighteenth-century Britain through a comparison of classical and colonial landscapes. She is also a freelance editor.

  • Byron MacDougall

    Byron MacDougall

    Byron MacDougall earned his PhD in Classics from Brown in 2015 with a dissertation entitled "Gregory of Nazianzus and Christian Festival Rhetoric." His research interests focus on Classical rhetoric and philosophy in Late Antique and Byzantine literature. Before returning to Brown, he held research fellowships at Dumbarton Oaks, the University of Vienna, and Princeton. A former secondary school Classics teacher, his publications cover topics including the Cappadocian Fathers, the Ancient Greek and Latin novels, and the reception of Plato from the Second Sophistic to Byzantium.

  • Ambra Marzocchi 

    Ambra Marzocchi

    2023–25 International Humanities Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Classics and in the Center for the Study of the Early Modern World

    Ambra Marzocchi is Postdoctoral Research Associate in "Humanities in the Colonial World c. 1500-1750", with a joint appointment at the Brown Department of Classics and at the Center for the Study of the Early Modern World within the Brown Cogut Institute for the Humanities. Trained as a classical philologist in Italy and as a historian of the book in the United States, she specializes in the study of the history of scholarship and humanist education in early colonial Spanish America, seeking to advance the understanding of the cultural-historical dynamics surrounding the early modern transmission of Greco-Roman, pagan and Christian, literatures, through humanistic — and specifically Jesuit — pedagogy, from Europe to colonial Mexico. For her doctoral work at Johns Hopkins University, she edited and studied the first textbook of Latin poetry printed in the Americas. At Brown, she is expanding her analysis to a wider array of Latin textbooks used in colonial Mexico, many of which are preserved in the University’s bibliographic collections. Her teaching philosophy is inspired by tenets of Renaissance educational treatises, which she put into practice at the University of Kentucky’s Institutum Studiis Latinis Provehendis. In 2022 she was elected Fellow of the Virginia Fox Stern Center for the History of the Book in the Renaissance associated with Johns Hopkins University.

  • Felicity Palma

    Postdoctoral Research Associate in Critical Classical Studies

Emeriti Faculty