
The Occasional Classicist Newsletter

We encourage our faculty, undergrad students, grad students and alumni to share their accomplishments with the Classics@Brown community in our annual departmental newsletter, the Occasional Classicist.

The Occasional Classicist was the official newsletter of the Department of Classics at Brown University until it stopped publication after the 28th volume in 2007. Since then the department has grown and thrived throughout the years with many changes and enhancements. In Spring 2019, the Classics administrative team, under the guidance of Prof. Joe Pucci, made the decision to revive the departmental newsletter in an effort to help reconnect with our alumnae/alumni. During the summer of 2019, we reached out to our alumnae/i to ask for news and updates, gathered departmental photos, and put together a team to help bring it all together.

The Department of Classics is delighted to bring The Occasional Classicist back to life to help reconnect with our alumnae/alumni. We look forward to hearing from more of our Classics@Brown community in the future and hope that our students, alumnae/i and friends enjoy staying connected to the department.

Special thanks to undergraduate student Susan Tang ('23) and Professor Joe Pucci for their hard work helping The OC come to fruition.

Current and Past Volumes

Though the department revived the The OC in 2019, only the 2007 volume remains from past volumes. We hope to recover previous volumes and create an archive on the Classics website; until then, here we provide you with the latest volume(s) of The OC.

If you or someone you know happen to have copies of The OC prior to 2007, we would love it if you could scan it and email it to us at