Former Ph.D. Programs and Tracks
Ancient History Program
The Ancient History program is currently paused and not accepting applications as it undergoes restructuring. Applicants interested in studying Ancient History with a strong language focus in Ancient Greek and Latin are encouraged to apply to Classics, which houses several distinguished ancient historians.
The program is operated and supervised by a Director of Graduate Studies in consultation with an Executive Committee comprised of other Brown faculty in Ancient History. Tenured faculty contributing to the program, in addition to the ancient historians mentioned previously, are drawn from the departments of Classics, History, Archaeology, Egyptology and Assyriology, and Religious Studies.
Students select courses that develop areas of interest that suit their specific needs. Apart from courses in the ancient languages and histories, students take the graduate colloquium on historical methodologies in the Department of History (typically in semester three) and, in the Department of Classics, the proseminar on methodologies and ancillary disciplines (typically semester one).
Students in the program are expected to demonstrate, through successful completion of an appropriate course or a written exam, competence in (a) one ancillary field (normally one of the following: epigraphy, archeology, numismatics, papyrology, or art history) and (b) two literature/author Classics courses (including one poetry or literature survey course).
Students are expected to take the preliminary exam by the end of the sixth semester. This exam consists of a three-hour oral examination in two major fields: Greek history (from the archaic to the end of the Hellenistic period) and Roman history (from the beginning to Justinian). There is one examiner in each field and one presider; the other members of the Ancient History faculty are invited to attend.
After passing the preliminary exam, students choose a dissertation topic in ancient history. The dissertation committee consists of three faculty who are best able to advise the student on the chosen topic; at least two of these must be among the program’s contributing faculty.
No later than three months after passing the Preliminary Exam, students must submit a written dissertation prospectus, a substantial essay setting forth the problematique, a plan of research and bibliography, which are assessed by two Faculty members.
Students who have graduated from the program have found employment in both academic and non-academic positions:
- Kelly Nguyen (2021) IDEAL Provostial Fellow and Lecturer in Classics, Stanford University
- Joseph Kurz (2017) Teacher, Francis Parker School, San Diego
- Dominic Machado (2017) Assistant Professor of Classics, College of the Holy Cross
- Bryan Brinkmann (2016) Lecturer, Modern and Classical Languages, Missouri State University
- David Yates (2010) Associate Professor of Classical Studies, Millsaps College
Sanskrit Track
Prof. Fitzgerald (Director of Graduate Study for Sanskrit) retired at the end of the Fall 2018 semester - as such, no graduate students will be admitted for Sanskrit until his successor has been appointed.
Sanskrit Language and Literature Ph.D. track and the Classics and Sanskrit Ph.D. track allow interested classicists to add a Sanskrit component to their Classics Ph.D. The Sanskrit program is focused entirely upon the Sanskrit language and its literatures, but its fundamental philosophy and approach to scholarship is the same as that of the program in Greek and Roman classics. Texts are examined and interpreted within their broad cultural and historical context on the basis of a rigorous preparation in the study of the Sanskrit language.
Brown University has engaged in the study and teaching of Sanskrit for over a century and was recently under the leadership of the Purandara Das Professor of Sanskrit in Classics, James L. Fitzgerald, a scholar of ancient Indian religions, literatures, and philosophies. He was joined by Lecturer David Buchta, a scholar of Sanskrit literature, Indian philosophy and the Pāṇinian tradition of grammatical analysis.
As with Classics students studying Greek or Roman civilization, knowledge of the underlying language(s) is the necessary prerequisite for reliable expertise in the study of anything to do with ancient India. Students are required to demonstrate a thorough and exact knowledge of Sanskrit and facility at reading both standard classical texts and those texts directly pertinent to their field of study. Incoming graduate students are expected to have a good knowledge of Sanskrit grammar and some reading experience prior to arriving at Brown.
The student must acquire a minimum of 18 graduate credits during the three years of coursework. These courses include Sanskrit 1020 (Religious Literature), 1080 (Mahābhārata), 1100 (Vedic Sanskrit), 1400 (Pāṇini), 1600 (belles lettres, kāvya), and 1800 (Classical Philosophy, darśanas), which provide them first hand experience with major texts of each of those areas of Sanskrit literature and introduce them to the fundamental secondary scholarship in each of those areas. Students must also take the basic proseminar (Sanskrit 2000) and at least three research seminars.
The balance of coursework consists of courses relevant to a student’s research interests that are offered in other departments and programs at Brown (e.g., Religious Studies, Comparative Literature, Classics courses in Latin or Greek Literature, History, English Literature, Ancient Studies, Historical Linguistics, Art History, etc.) and individualized reading courses in a student’s special area of Sanskrit. Normally, four courses are taken each semester in the first year, and then declining numbers in later semesters as the student is additionally managing teaching and service duties.
Students entering the program will take a diagnostic placement test in Sanskrit at the outset of their graduate career at Brown. Some students may be required to take Sanskrit 0300 and 0400 during their first year, if the diagnostic test indicates that to be advisable. These courses are not eligible for graduate credit.
Modern Languages
Having passed the reading exam in French or German at the beginning of the first year of study, the student should demonstrate adequate reading competence in the other of those two languages no later than the end of his or her third semester of residence. This demonstration may be accomplished by passing an exam administered by a faculty member or by receiving an honors grade in German 12 ('German for Reading') or in a similar course in French, if offered.
Students in Sanskrit benefit from studying Hindi at some stage of their graduate career and are encouraged to do so, if possible; Hindi is an important scholarly language for some fields of research and allows the scholar to make better contact with traditional Indian scholars when conducting research in India. If the study of other South Asian languages is necessary or advisable for a student's program, it may be possible to arrange for coursework or examination in conjunction with other institutions, summer institutes, etc.
Sanskrit Exams
Students must pass the General Sanskrit Reading Exam no later than May of their third year of residence in the program. They must pass their Special Sanskrit Reading Exam no later than December in their seventh semester of residence. Each exam is a four-hour exam consisting of two two-hour segments. In each exam, one segment requires the student to translate a set of passages at sight and another segment requires the translation of a set of passages with the consultation of a dictionary allowed. These exams are administered twice a year as needed, once in December and again in May. Students should take the general exam every semester of residence until they pass it and they should work out a program of work for their special exam with the Professor of Sanskrit at the conclusion of their first year of residence.
Qualifying Exams
These consist of two four-hour written examinations, one in the student’s major field and another in a secondary field. The focus, scope, and reading lists for these examinations are worked out on an individual basis, in view of the research agendas of each student. The major field exam should be passed no later than the end of the sixth semester of residence and should serve as a platform for the formulation of the dissertation prospectus. The student should pass the secondary field exam no later than the eighth semester of residence.
It is an integral part of graduate training and professional preparation in Classics to gain teaching experience. Two semesters of teaching are therefore required of all graduate students. Teaching opportunities within the department vary; often, assignments progress from TA (teaching assistant) duties of working with a professor, grading and facilitating discussion sections, to TF (teaching fellow; a higher stipend obtains) positions where the graduate student teaches a semester-long language course (usually introductory or second-year level) on his or her own.
A dissertation prospectus should be developed with the advisor during the seventh semester of residence, at the latest. Once the student’s advisor deems the prospectus ready, it is publicly presented to the faculty of the Department of Classics and other interested faculty, no later than the eighth semester of residence.
Once the prospectus has been approved, the candidate proceeds to dissertation work in consultation with his or her advisor and two additional readers, one of which is ordinarily a Sanskritist from another institution. The dissertation shall be a substantial and original investigation of a significant scholarly question or problem. A formal defense of the thesis is required by the university, and candidates must (save in unusual circumstances) defend their work before members of the Department of Classics and other interested faculty.