The Iconography of Dionysiac Choroi: Dithyramb, Tragedy, and the Basel Krater |
Matthew C Wellenbach |
Michael Choniates at the Christian Parthenon and the Bendideia Festival of Republic 1 |
Byron David MacDougall |
Congratulations, Byron and Matt!
Byron MacDougall and Matthew Wellenbach, both Brown Classics grad students set to defend their dissertations this April, have published articles in the latest issue of Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies.
The Iconography of Dionysiac Choroi: Dithyramb, Tragedy, and the Basel Krater |
Matthew C Wellenbach |
Michael Choniates at the Christian Parthenon and the Bendideia Festival of Republic 1 |
Byron David MacDougall |
Congratulations, Byron and Matt!