We asked our undergraduates in Classics to create an image that they felt represented Classics at Brown. Each year the chosen image will be printed on a button badge and stickers as a fun way to identify their fellow classmates. The winning submission received an Apple iPad for their design. This year’s winner was Sabrina Whitfill, class of 2019. The iPad was presented to her by Classics alumna, Nina Barclay, Class of 1975.
Sabrina said about her design: "Modeled after a Julia Maesa coin, this logo is meant to recognize the women and traditionally Othered people that played pivotal roles in shaping Empire (and whose history may be better understood after taking classes in our department). The background is also customizable!"
Congratulations Sabrina, and thank you for your impressive and thought provoking design. We hope to make this an ongoing tradition and look forward to see what students come up with next Spring.