Past Ph.D. Dissertations
Christopher Ell, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Pass the Wine: Drinking, Dining, and the Formation of Social Structure and Cultural Identity in the Connected Mediterranean and Near East, ca. 800-450 BCE"
Stevie (Stephany) Hull, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Education in the Cosmos: Augustine’s Platonic Curriculum of Philosophy and Rhetoric" -
Avichai Natanel Kapach, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Contradiction and Truth in Euripides: A Study of the Trojan Women, Helen, and Orestes" -
Kelly Nguyen, Ph.D
Dissertation "Vercingetorix in Vietnam: Classical Inheritance and Vietnamese Ambivalence"
Justin Byrd, M.A.
Gaia Gianni, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Fictive Kinship and Roman Childhood: A Social History" -
Trigg Settle, M.A.
Thesis "Trauma and The Interpretation of Tragedy" -
Erika Valdivieso, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Virgilian Imitatio in Colonial Latin America"
Elliston P. Bissell, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Primacy and Subsumption in Greco-Roman Epic Literature" -
Sam Caldis, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Brothers, Colleagues, and Power in Imperial Rome" -
Luther Karper, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Epigraphic Representations of Warfare and Polis Agency in the Late Hellenistic Era (168-31 BCE)" -
Mahmoud Samori, Ph.D.
Dissertation "A Minor History of Peace" -
Michiel van Veldhuizen, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Divining Disaster: Signs of Catastrophe in Ancient Greek Culture"
Keith Fairbank, Ph.D.
Dissertation "A Dividing Sea: The Adriatic World from the First to the Fourth Centuries BC" -
Darrel Janzen, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Outsider Within: Self-Seclusion by the Roman Elite from Tiberius to Hadrian" -
Meghan Lescault, M.A.
Daria Resh, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Metaphrasis in Byzantine Hagiography: The Early History of The Genre" -
Jennifer Swalec, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Female Agency, Dress, and the Social Fabric of Ancient Greece"
Dominic Machado, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Communities and Collective Action in the Republican Army" -
Jennifer Lewton Yates, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Ancient Novels and the Tragic Tradition"
Bryan Brinkman, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Popular Collective Speech and the Communication of Ideology: Acclamation in the Roman Empire" -
Joseph Kurz, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Barcid Empire? An Economic, Social, and Political Study of Imperial Interactions between Carthaginians and Locals in Southern Iberia" -
Rachel Philbrick, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Disruptive Verse: Hyperbole and the Hyperbolic Persona in Ovid's Exile Poetry" -
Adrianne Troia, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Epitaph for Bion: Agonism and Fictional Biography as Literary Criticism in Late Bucolic"
Barbara Blythe, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Petronius' Satyrica: A Novel of Mystic Initiation" -
Scott DiGiulio, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Aulus Gellius, the Noctes Atticae, and the Literary Logic of Miscellany under the High Roman Empire" -
Karen (Kelly) Jones, M.A.
Thesis "Raised Voices: Seneca’s Ghost Scenes as Microcosms of the Tragedies" -
Byron MacDougall, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Gregory of Nazianzus and Christian Festival Rhetoric" -
Anne (McEnroe) McDonald, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Plutarch and the Philosophical Dialogue" -
Tara Mulder, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Fetal Actors, Female Bodies: Childbirth in the Roman Empire" -
Anne Rabe, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Innovation and Invective in Cicero's Violent Metaphors" -
Matthew Wellenbach, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Choruses for Dionysus: Studies in the History of Dithyramb and Tragedy"
Joseph McDonald, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Narrating Impiety in Ancient Greece" -
Mitchell Parks, Ph.D.
Dissertation "City of Praise: The Politics of Encomium in Classical Athens"
Timothy Haase, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Watching the World Unravel: Juvenal's Satirical Mechanics" -
Jeanmarie Stimson, M.A.
David Berger, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Plato's Lesser Hippias: Translation and Commentary" -
Christopher Geggie, M.A.
Leo Landrey, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Valerius Flaccus' Roman Epic" -
Robin McGill, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Aligning Myths and Experience: The Sanctification of Time in Early Christian Latin Hymns" -
Melissa Sassin, M.A.
Lauren Donovan Ginsberg, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Literary and Ideological Memory in the Octavia" -
Christopher Welser, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Demos and Dioikesis: Public Finance and Democratic Ideology in Fourth-Century B.C. Athens"
Alexander Alderman, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Serio-comic Elements in Xenophon's Socratic Writings" -
Peter Lech, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Gender, Social Status and Discourse in Roman Comedy" -
Asya Sigelman, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Xenia and the Unity of Time in Pindar’s Victory Odes" -
Mark Thatcher, Ph.D.
Dissertation "A Variable Tapestry: Identity and Politics in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy" -
William Torterelli, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Lyric Wisdom: Alcaeus and the Tradition of Paraenetic Poetry" -
David Yates, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Remembering the Persian War Differently"
William Appleton, M.A.
Sarah Dawson, M.A.
Jeffrey Hunt, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Fiction and Mimesis in the Idylls of Theocritus" -
Keeley Schell, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Vergil's Self-Referential Simile: Thematic Construction Through Internal Allusion in the Aeneid" -
Cynthia Swanson, M.A.
Adam Bravo, M.A.
Thesis "An Examination of the Speeches of Julian in Ammianus Marcellinus" -
Kevin Patterson, Ph.D.
Dissertation "A Christian Virgil: The Function of Virgilian References in the Writings of Aldhelm" -
Jennifer Thomas, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Staging Empire: The Manipulation of Place and Time in Lucan's Bellum Civile" -
Christopher Trinacty, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Character is Destiny: Senecan Tragedy and Ovid" -
Ed Wong, M.A.
Eva Cieloszyk, M.A.
Thesis "Tacitus' Narrative Techniques and the Role of the Eastern Digressions in the Neronian Hexad" -
Bret Mulligan, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Carmina Sola Loquor: The Poetics of Claudian's Carmina Minora"
Alon Navot, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Similes of the Real in Virgil's Aeneid" -
Sarah Nix, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Characterization of Caesar in Lucan's Bellum Civile"
Max Leo Goldman, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Problems of Voice in Petronius" -
Carol Jane King, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Alexander and Divination: Dreams, Omens, and Aristander of Telmessus in the Alexander Historians" -
Joseph Gerard Leichter, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Zij as-Sanjari of Gregory Chioniades: Text, Translation, and Greek-to-Arabic Glossary" -
Joshua Slocum, M.A.
Sarah Smart, M.A.
Thesis "Things Fall Apart: Lucan's Allusions to Lucretius' Perished World" -
Heather L. Vincent
Dissertation "Ieiunum Odium: A Theory of Humor in Juvenal"
Suzanne Abrams Rebillard, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Speaking of Salvation: Gregory of Nazianzus as Poet and Priest in his Autobiographical Poems" -
John Dayton, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Athletes of War: An Evaluation of the Agonistic Elements in Greek Warfare" -
Preston Edwards, Ph.D.
Dissertation "On the Christian Alexandrianism of Gregory of Nazianzus" -
Michael Fontaine, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Sophisticated Paraprosdokian in Plautus"
Malcolm Hyman, obiit
Dissertation "Barbarism and Solecism in Ancient Grammatical Thought"
Antonios Augoustakis, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Facta virum sileo: Re-Constructing Female Action in Silius Italicus' Punica" -
Edward L. deBoo, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Puns on Plato's Name in The Republic"
Ruth Rothaus Caston, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Elegiac Passion: A Study of Jealousy in Roman Love Elegy" -
Heath Martin, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Spontaneous Generation and Aristotle's Hierarchy of Animal Life" -
Mark J. Sundahl, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Use of Statutes in the Seven Extant and graphe nomon me epitedeion theinai Speeches"
R. Anthony Kugler, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Representations of Self and Audience in the Phrygian And Cicilian Orations of Dio Chrysostom" -
Raymond Marks, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Scipio Africanus in the Punica of Silius Italicus" -
Matthew Munich, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Past Perfect: Images of the Past in Cicero, Lucretius and Catullus" -
Philip Thibodeau, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Wonders of a World. Essays on Vergil's Fourth Georgic"
Anthony Hollingsworth, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Recitation and the Stage: The Performance of Senecan Tragedy" -
Vassiliki Panoussi, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Epic Transfigured: Tragic Allusiveness in Vergil's Aeneid" -
Shilpa Raval, obiit
Dissertation "Pudibunda Ora: Gender, Sexuality and Language in Ovid's Metamorphoses" -
Nicholas Sterling, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Laconic Persuasion: Rhetorical Arrangement of Events in Xenophon's Hellenika"
Gregory Bucher, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Prolegomena to a Commentary on Appian's Bellum Civile, Book 2" -
Carolin Hahnemann, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Incarnating Democracy: The Role of Theseus in the Tragedies of Aischylos, Sophokles and Euripides" -
Ben J. Hennelly, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Transcendence and Implication: The Two Visions of Virgil's Georgics" -
Joseph S. Houser, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Philosophy of Musonius Rufus: A Study of Applied Ethics in the Late Stoa" -
Marc Mastrangelo, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Psychomachia of Prudentius: A Reappraisal of the Greek Sources and Origins of Allegory"
Margaret Graver, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Therapeutic Reading and Seneca's Moral Epistles" -
Steven Rutledge, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Literary, Cultural, and Historical Background of Tacitus' Dialogus de oratoribus"
Faith Sandstrom, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Silver Soteira Coinage of Cyzicus in the Fourth Century B.C." -
Catherine M. Torigian, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Poetic Allegory and Roman Reality in Three Carmina"
Geoffrey Bakewell, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Producing the Polis: Political and Legal Terminology in Aeschylus" -
James J. Kennelly, Ph.D.
Dissertation "Thucydides' Knowledge of Herodotus" -
Jacob Rabinowitz, Ph.D.
Dissertation "The Origin of the Witch in Classical Antiquity: Demonization of The Fertility Goddess"